Restore Round Basket

Restore Round Basket


Made from a felt from recycled plastic bottle fibers, the Restore Round Basket is a functional and versatile storage unit that can be used for almost any object from laundry to blankets to children’s toys. The restore basket comes in a variety of colours and offers a textural, quirky addition to any home or professional space. Versatile in its usage possibilities, Restore is ideal to accommodate everything from newspapers to firewood, toys, blankets, and other (everyday) objects.

Manufactured by Muuto

Designed by  Mika Tolvanen


51 ø x 23 H cm


Available in 5 colours - grey melange, dusty green, black melange, black and midnight blue.


Restore's recycled polymer felt challenges the traditional idea of materials for storage solutions. It primarily consists of the fibers gained from the recycling process of plastic bottles, creating a product both innovative and durable. 

Please be aware of the additional lead-time below when pre-ordering.

Estimated lead time: 16-18 weeks
At Home With | Naoki Terada
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Between Imagined & Physical Space | Kühl & Han
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Behind the Design with Muuto's Outline Series
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Behind the Design with Softedge Studio
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