Bravoure 35 Rug

Bravoure 35 Rug

The original rug in the collection, Bravoure is a true contemporary classic. Available in three pile heights – 17, 35 and 60 mm – the design has been re-coloured by Hella Jongerius. As strong and durable as it is striking, Bravoure’s signature is in its seemingly random yet perfectly balanced interplay of thick and thin yarns, tufted structure and expressive colours.

Dyed in strands, the yarns used to construct Bravoure create an organic and intricate fusion of shades; subtle details and delicate contrasts emerge from the surface of the rug as the light, or the perspective of the viewer, changes.

Bravoure 60 is a luxurious, high-pile rug which has changed little since it was first created in 1986. Like Bravoure 35, which creates a softer and more relaxed look, it will yield an irregular surface when walked on. Suitable for medium traffic, both designs are well suited for modern homes and commercial spaces alike.

Materials: 100% pure New Zealand wool

Sizes Available: This rug is available in round, odd or rectangular sizes, please list required dimensions when enquiring for accurate quoting.

Additional Information: Please note that Kvadrat rugs are hand woven and are subject to a +/- 3% variation to the overall rug size. We recommend to always purchase an underlay for your rug. Please also use professional cleaners for care and maintenance of your rug.

Care and Maintenance

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Kvadrat Rugs are handmade and made-to-measure. With a selection of Quick Ship rugs, as well as custom sizing, the possibilities are endless.

Characterised by outstanding craftsmanship, meticulous attention-to-detail and tactile structures, they reinterpret classic techniques in a contemporary light. Kvadrat rugs are renowned for reviving traditional production methods and celebrating the beauty of handmade creations. They partner with skilled craftsmen to ensure their rugs' durability for everyday use. Crafted from the finest materials by the world's top weavers, their rugs guarantee longevity, transforming both commercial and residential spaces over the years. Elevate your space with their rugs and their enduring quality.

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Hella Jongerius (1963, the Netherlands) is one of the world’s leading designers, known for her research-driven approach and vigorous work on uniting craftsmanship and industrial production, infusing mass produced objects with imperfection, sensibility and character.  She founded her Jongeriuslab design studio in 1993, and has worked on commissioned projects for Vitra, Maharam, Danskina, IKEA, and the Dutch airline KLM.

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